Last term in Year 1 we learnt all about Our Amazing World, this included reading non-fiction books about looking after the world, learning about animals around the world, different locations of the world and how to recycle. We also learnt about why it is important to take care of our special planet and examined the impact of three environmental issues; car pollution, ocean pollution and deforestation. Below are some of the fun things we got up to.
In Literacy we read the story 'Dear Greenpeace' by Simon James. After studying the features of letter writing the children had a go at writing their very own letters to help save the planet.
In Science we looked at the five main animal groups: mammals, reptiles, fish, birds and amphibians. We are now looking forward to our trip to Wingham Wildlife park to put our learning to the test!
In Geography we learnt about the 7 different continents through singing. Check out our singing below:
The children also took control over their learning during their independent learning sessions and created a range of different pieces linked to our topic.
A the end of the term we ventured out around our local community and went litter picking. It was a beautiful sunny day and we all took the time to appreciate our beautiful world whilst also collecting rubbish to help beat ocean pollution.