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Welcome to Ducklings Class (Year R)

Ducklings Class latest blogs


Dear Parents
The Ducklings new Topic will be Dinosaurs. Below is some information on the aspects of learning that we will be covering between now and term six.


Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Now that the children are settled into their classroom our focus will be how we behave in the school environment and trying to make the children as independent as possible. We will still be practicing getting changed for PE, sharing, turn taking and following class and school rules. In addition the children will be encouraged to be considerate of others around them.


Our main focus will be encouraging the children to become independent readers as quickly as possible. The children will still concentrate on blending sounds to create words.
In writing our focus will still be to construct simple sentences using capital letters and full stops. We will be encouraging the children to produce sequenced pieces of writing consisting of a beginning, middle and end.


We will continue to learn to read, write and say our numbers within 100. We shall continue to developing our addition and subtraction skills, whilst exploring different elements of shape and measure. Within our learning environment the children will explore different forms of capacity.


Understanding of the World
Exploring our own environment we will learn about our own culture and that different creatures have roamed the earth. We will explore what it means to be prehistoric and how scientists discover things. Our focus will be around dinosaurs.


Physical Development
In PE and in our general every day play, we shall develop our control and co-ordination. The children will learn about how to be safe when using equipment and be encouraged to develop their spatial awareness.


Expressive Arts and Design
We will be exploring a huge range of textures and resources. The children will be positively encouraged to develop their ideas and imagination through role play. We shall be using lots of music not only through singing but by dancing and exploring instruments.


Reading: Please share the books that are sent home with your child because the more they are encouraged to share books the better reader they will become.


Please label all items of clothing clearly!
Despite many reminders we are still seeing many items brought into class with no names!
With 30 children it will be impossible to ensure they keep their processions if they are not labelled. P.E is on a Friday the children must attend school in a full PE kit.

This is a long letter but hopefully it gives you an idea of what we will be doing this term.

Our main aim as well as learning is to have lots of fun.
Thanks for your support and you are most welcome to come and ask about anything that
we do!

Mrs Price and Team

Curriculum Plans:

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