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Eagles Trip To Folkestone Fishing Museum

On Thursday 23rd June Eagles Class went on a trip to Folkestone Fishing Museum.

Firstly we set off from school and walked down the Old High Street towards the harbour. We walked through the harbour and had a lovely morning play in the sunshine on Sunny Sands. Then it was time to head off to Folkestone Fishing Museum. We had a very interesting talk and presentation about all aspects of the fishing history of our town, made more personal because some of the old pictures contained family or friends of the people in the museum. We learnt so much!

Afterwards it was lunchtime so we headed to Sandy's Fish and Chip shop, which was almost next door to the museum, and all got a huge treat of having some chips on the beach for our lunch! Once we had finished, we headed back to school to cool off as it was so hot down on the sandy beach.


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