Over the past couple of weeks, Owls have had a small, furry visitor to their classroom - Jerry the Dormouse. Jerry left us a letter explaining that he was lost, cold and hungry. After doing some research on the dormouse species and reading our class text, Winter Sleep, we discovered that Jerry is feeling this way because he should be hibernating. Hibernation is a deep sleep some animals do throughout the colder months to preserve energy when food is scarce.
Last week the children decided to make Jerry a nest using natural materials like cotton, wood shavings, leaves, sticks and mud to help him stay warm. They worked in pairs to plan, design and create the perfect nest, ensuring it is warm, soft, safe, weatherproof and secure. Some of the children collected leaves and sticks from outside to try and replicate a familiar nest for Jerry. We left the nests in the classroom and received a letter the following day from Jerry, explaining that he had tried our nests but got scared when the school lights turned on. We even found some dormouse droppings in our nests left behind from Jerry!
After the letter, we discovered that a dormouse is a nocturnal animal and decided it would be best to move his nest somewhere dark and quiet so that he could sleep soundly and safely during the school day. The children decided to write letters to Jerry, telling him how much they loved him and that they had left a nest for him in a secret location. Finally, we set up some cameras and managed to capture some photos of Jerry in our nests!
Next week we will be planning and writing our final letter to Jerry through the use of Talk for Writing and hope we can make him feel better.