Today, we took part in Road Safety workshops. This was a creative way to help us learn a very powerful message; how important our safety is when we are around roads and traffic. We used mini roads laid out in our hall to help us think about how we cross and walk safely around roads. Some classes were also shown props to help us remember the “stop, look, listen, think and hold hands” rule. Other classes had to think of Super Hero names that sent out a message of safety to road users. We also had question and answer sessions and learnt some very useful information, for example have you ever thought about why we have to look right first? We also did not realise there are so many crossings named after birds, there are Pelican, Puffin and Toucans, it was like being at the zoo! We also had the chance to play a game where we had to look at photos of roads and think if these were "safe" or "unsafe" places to cross. Road safety is such an important topic to learn about and we are very grateful that we had this opportunity to keep ourselves and our friends safe!
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